ouwe meuk in de categorie texcellent

343 | Texcellent (8)

7 november 2003 | roel | texcellent

Do you still keep paper flowers in the bottom drawer with your Belgian lace
taking them out every year to watch the colors fade away?
Do you still believe in fairy tales, in battlements of shining castles
safe from the dragons that lie beneath the hill?

Are you still a Russian princess rescued by a gypsy dancer
to anyone who’ll listen is that a story you tell?
You live a life of fantasy, your diary romantic fiction
Can’t you see it’s hard for me, can you see what I am trying to say?

It’s a gentleman’s excuse me so I’ll take on step to the side.
Can you get it in your head I’m tired of dancing?
For every one step forward we’re taking two steps back
Can you get it in your head I’m tired of dancing?

Fish – A gentleman’s excuse me

340 | Texcellent (7)

29 oktober 2003 | roel | texcellent

Telephone exchanges click while there’s nobody there
The Martians could land in the carpark and no one would care
Close-circuit cameras in department stores shoot the same video every day
And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed
Just survive constant action replay

Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before

Del Amitri > Nothing ever happens

333 | Texcellent (6)

10 oktober 2003 | roel | texcellent

(in Kölsch dialect)
En der Kirch met dä Franz Kafka-Uhr
ohne Zeiger, met Striche drop nur
liess ne Blinde nem Taube
Strubbelpeter vuer
hinger dreifach verriejelter Duer
Un dè Wèchter mem Schlüsselbund hällt
sich em ähnz für jet wie e Jenie
weil’er Auswege pulverisiert
un verkäuf jëjen Klaustrophobie
en der Kristallnaach

(in normaal Duits)
In der Kirche mit der Franz Kafka-Uhr
ohne Zeiger, mit Strichen darauf nur
liest ein Blinder einem Tauben
Struwwelpeter vor
hinter dreifach verriegelter Türe
und der Wächter mit dem Schlüsselbund hält
sich im Ernst für so etwas wie ein Genie
weil er Auswege pulverisiert
und verkauft gegen Klaustrophobie
in der Kristallnacht

BAP – Kristallnaach

331 | Texcellent (5)

6 oktober 2003 | roel | texcellent

So we live you and I
Either side of the edge
And we run and we scream
With the dilated stare of obsession and dreaming
What the hell do we want
is it only to go
Where nobody has gone
A better way than the herd
Sing a different song
Till you’re running the ledge
To the gasp from the crowd
Spinning round in your head
Everything that she said…

Marillion – Out of this world

327 | Texcellent (4)

12 september 2003 | roel | texcellent

Als je weten wil wie Jezus was
Denk dan aan een blanco giropas
Jezus had geen bank of credit kaart
Want zijn woord was al miljoenen waard
Jezus reed niet in een auto rond
Had geen motor onder zijne kont
Dat zou trouwens onverantwoord zijn
Want ’s avonds dronk hij liters tafelwijn

Kees van Kooten en Wim de Bie – Het wijnjaar nul

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